
  1. 閣下的私隱
    Millistrong Holdings Limited
  2. 使用閣下的個人資料的用途


    1. 參加及維持閣下作為我們的會員的會員資格;
    2. 累積作為我們的會員的優惠積分;
    3. 向閣下發出可享有的福利和優惠的通知;
    4. 分享有作為會員的優惠;
    5. 通知有關會員療程計劃和產品資料的任何修訂;
    6. 建立關係;及
    7. 數據清洗及客戶資料更新。

    1. 向閣下提供最合適療程及產品建議;
    2. 讓我們更清楚了解我們客戶的統計資料,作內部研究及分析,以讓我們能妥善提供切合閣下特定需求、服務及產品信息或禮物;
    3. 巿場研究;
    4. 讓我們的美容顧問進行跟進服務;
    5. 分派客戶滿意調查;
    6. 寄出尊貴客戶通訊及尊貴客戶活動最新資料;及
    7. 作直接促銷,包括

    i.   通知閣下有關新產品推出及其他推廣優惠,包括(如適用)護膚產品、身體護理產品、護髮產品、健康產品、以及美容服務、身體護理服務及脫毛服務;
    ii.  通知閣下有關皮膚護理、身體護理、護髮的專櫃或專櫃以外服務及活動,以作推廣及獎賞用途;
    iii. 巿場推廣獎賞計劃、生日優惠、免費試用產品、數碼活動、路演/街頭推廣活動、店內推廣的最新消息;
    iv. 通知閣下有關與購物商場、百貨公司、信用咭、銀行、行業、名人、雜誌、電視、網站、文化、藝術或音樂團體/組織、慈善團體或非謀利組織的聯合推廣或活動

    為保障閣下個人資料的私隱權,本公司確保在收集、使用、保留、轉移及查閱個人資料方面的政策及常規,均符合香港法例第486章《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》的規定。
  3. 收集個人身分標識符
  4. 直銷內容
  5. 資料的保存
  6. 資料的披露
    本公司通常可與Millistrong Holdings Limited及旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司共用閣下的個人資料,或向其轉移有關資料,詳情請參閱本公司有關收集個人資料的聲明。倘閣下不希望本公司向任何第三者披露閣下的資料,請連同閣下之姓名、會員號碼及聯絡電話以書面形式電郵至privacy@milbeauty.com通知本公司。
  7. 查閱個人資料
    閣下可填寫表格OPS003或以書面致函方式,向本公司要求查閱閣下的個人資料,本公司會按《個人資料(私隱) 條例》第19 (1) 條規定,在收到閣下要求後四十天內依從閣下要求。根據條例第20(3e) 條的規定,如閣下拒絕以表格或書面方式提出查閱要求,本公司有權拒絕閣下的查閱要求。根據條例第28條,本公司可向查閱資料者徵收合理費用。然而,倘閣下確實是為作出合理更正而查閱個人資料,本公司可酌情豁免有關費用。
  8. 更正個人資料
    閣下必須以書面致函本公司提出更改個人資料,並提供須更正的正確資料。本公司會按《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》第23 條規定在收到閣下要求後四十天內更正閣下的個人資料。更正個人資料不會收費。

  9. 保安
  10. 查詢

  11. 收集個人資料聲明
    閣下作為Millistrong Holdings Limited的顧客,在試用或購買本公司的服務及/或產品(「有關服務」)時,可能需要向本公司提供閣下的個人資料(「有關個人資料」)。倘有關個人資料並不完整或不正確,本公司可能無法向閣下提供或繼續提供有關服務。本公司時刻將閣下的個人資料保密處理。



    1. 提供有關服務;
    2. 本公司、本公司代理人、附屬公司或合作夥伴用於推廣與有關服務相關的商品及/或服務用於推廣任何商品及/或服務;
    3. 處理來自有關服務或與其有關的任何利益;
    4. 就提供有關服務而分析、核實及/或檢查閣下的信用、付款及/或狀況
    5. 處理閣下要求的任何付款指示、直接扣賬安排及/或信貸安排;
    6. 方便日常操作閣下的賬戶及/或就有關服務收取閣下賬戶內的應繳款項;及


    此外,根據閣下與本公司的協議,本公司可以將閣下的個人資料披露及轉移(無論在香港或海外)予Millistrong Holdings Limited及其旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司,並可將有關個人資料存入本公司或Millistrong Holdings Limited及其旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司為上文所述目的而持有的一個或多個資料庫(可能載有本公司或Millistrong Holdings Limited及其旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司收集的其他資料),以推廣本公司及/或Millistrong Holdings Limited及其旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司的商品及/或服務並用以比較閣下就上述目的而向本公司及/Millistrong Holdings Limited及旗下公司、附屬公司、聯號公司及彼等擁有權益的任何公司提供的其他資料。  倘閣下不希望收取本公司提供與有關服務無關的商品及/或服務之推廣資訊,或不希望本公司為本段所述目的而披露、轉移或使用閣下的個人資料,請按下列地址致函本公司,註明閣下的姓名、會員號碼及聯絡電話。

    根據《個人資料 (私隱) 條例》,閣下有權:

    1. 確定本公司是否持有閣下任何個人資料;
    2. 在合理時間內查閱本公司持有的閣下個人資料;
    3. 以合理方式查閱本公司持有的閣下個人資料;
    4. 要求本公司更正任何不正確的個人資料。


Personal Information Collection Statement

  1. Your Privacy
    Millistrong International Limited
     (“we”, “our” or “us”) respects your legal rights of privacy when collecting, storing, using and transmitting personal data and this Personal Information Collection Statement explains our privacy practices. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version of this Privacy Policy Statement, the English version shall prevail. “Personal data” means any personally identifying information or sensitive data (such as names, occupations, addresses, contact details, ID Card or Passport numbers, date of birth, email address, telephone number, credit card information, your age, your marital status, your employer, your income, demographic data) from which it is practicable for the identity of an individual to be ascertained.
  2. Purposes for using your Personal Data
    Your personal data may be collected when you join the trial offer, make a purchase on treatment packages, products or apply to be our member.

    The purposes for which we may use your personal data are divided into obligatory purposes and voluntary purposes. If personal data is to be used for an obligatory purpose, these personal data will not be marked as “optional” in the Members Application Form and you MUST provide your personal data to us if you want us to provide the service for which you are applying. If personal data is only to be used for a voluntary purpose, it is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to provide such information to us or not.

    Purposes for which it is obligatory for you to provide your personal data are:

    a. enrolment into and maintaining your membership as our member;
    b. accumulating bonus points as our member;
    c. communicating to you your entitlements and privileges;
    d. redemption of privileges as a member;
    e. notification of any amendment to the treatment plans and products information; and
    f. data cleansing and customers profile updates.

    Purposes for which it is only voluntary for you to provide your personal data are:
    a. provide the most suitable treatment and product suggestions to you;
    b. to enable our beauty advisor to follow up;
    c. to distribute customer satisfaction survey;
    d. to send out VIP newsletters and VIP program updates; and
    e. direct marketing including :

    i. communicating to you regarding new product launch and other promotional offers, including where applicable, skincare products, body care products, hair care products, health supplements and facial services, body care services and hair removal services;
    ii. communicating on-counter or out of counter services and events related to skincare, body care for promotion or reward purpose;
    iii. marketing reward programs, birthday celebration offers, free sampling in store promotion updates;
    iv. communicating joint promotion or events with shopping malls, department stores, credit cards, banks, trades, celebrities, magazines, television, websites, mileage programs, cultural, art or musical societies/organizations, charities or nonprofit organizations

    In order to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data, we ensure that our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, retention and transfer of and access to your personal data comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the Laws of Hong Kong.
  3. Collection of Personal Identifiers
    You may need to provide your identifiable information from time to time, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, identity card number, date of birth, phone number, facsimile number, address, email address, credit card details, education level, occupation, household income, hobbies or preferred activities. Failure to provide such data may prevent us from providing appropriate services to you. If you are under 18,you must obtain the consent from parents or guardians before disclosing any of your identifiable personal data to us.
  4. Direct Marketing
    After submitting your identifiable personal data, you may receive the direct marketing phone calls, emails or direct mails from us/our affiliates or business partners from time to time. If at any other point of time you do not wish us to use your personal data for use in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out rights by notifying us. Please email us at privacy@milbeauty.com . No fee will be charged for this arrangement.
  5. Storage of Personal Data
    Pursuant to our general policy, we will keep a record of all transactions with you in our course of business for a reasonable period of time for review and verification purposes.
  6. Disclosure of Data
    We usually share your personal data with or transfer such data to Millistrong International Limited. and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or any companies in which they have an interest. Please refer to our Personal Data Collection Statement for details. If you do not want us to disclose your personal data to any third parties, please email us at privacy@milbeauty.com and provide your name, membership number and contact number.
  7. Access to Personal Data
    You can write to request access to your personal information to us, the Company is based on the provisions of section 19 (1) of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, to reply you in receipt of your requirements within 40 days. In accordance with the provisions of section 20 (3e), if you refuse the access request form or in writing, the Company reserves the right to refuse your access request. Under section 28, the Company may charge a reasonable fee for information access. However, if you indeed to make reasonable corrections access to personal data, the Company may exempt from the relevant charges.

    The person to whom (1) requests (i) for access to data or correction of data, (ii) for general information regarding our policies and practices with respect to personal data and (iii) about the kinds of personal data that we hold and (2) general questions and complaints should be sent to the below email: privacy@milbeauty.com.
  8. Correction of Personal Data
    You shall send your request to correct your personal data to us and provide the correct information by email. Pursuant to Section 23 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, we will correct your personal date within 40 days upon request without charge.
  9. Security
    All personal data provided by you will be properly stored in our system and can only be accessed by authorized persons.
  10. Enquiries
    Please contact us for details of our Privacy Policy Statement.

    (This Statement may be amended from time to time without prior notice. Please review it regularly.)
  11. Personal Data Collection Statement
    As a customer of Millistrong International Limited, you may be required to provide your personal data (“Personal Data”) to us prior to any trial or purchase of our services and/or products (“Services”). Incomplete or incorrect data may prevent us from providing or continuously providing the Services.

    We will always keep your personal data confidential. Our policies and practices regarding collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer and confidentiality of and access to your personal data comply with the laws of Hong Kong and are stated in this Statement.

    You agree that we may use and retain any personal data provided by you for the following purposes and any other purposes mutually agreed by you and us or required by law from time to time:

    1. provision of Services;
    2. promotion of any goods and/ or services related to the Services or any other goods and/or services by us, our agents, subsidiaries or business partners;
    3. handling of any interest in or in relation to the Services;
    4. analysis, confirmation and/or verification of your credit, payment and/ or other status in respect of the provision of the Services;
    5. handling of any payment instructions, direct debit payment and/or credit payment requested by you;
    6. day-to-day management of your account and/or collecting any account payable in respect of the Services; and

    You also agree that for the above purposes, we may disclose and transfer (whether within or outside Hong Kong) the right to use, disclose, hold, handle, retain or transfer your personal data to our agents, contractors, any telecommunication operators, any third party receiving organizations, any credit consultants, any security organizations, any credit providers, banks, financial institutions, any other persons under a duty of confidentiality to us, and any actual or proposed assignees of us.

    In addition, pursuant to the agreement between you and us, we may disclose and transfer (whether within or outside Hong Kong) your personal data to Millistrong International Limited and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and any companies in which they have an interest, and may store the Personal Data in the database or databases (which may contain any other information collected by us or  Millistrong International Limited and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or any companies in which they have an interest) held by us or  Millistrong International Limited and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and any companies in which they have an interest for the above purposes to promote any goods and/ or services of us and/or  Millistrong International Limited and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and any companies in which they have an interest and to compare any other information provided by you to us and/ or  Millistrong International Limited and its member companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and any companies in which they have an interest for the above purposes. If you do not wish to receive any marketing materials of any goods and/ or services unrelated to the Services, or do not wish us to disclose, transfer or use your personal data for the purposes described herein, please send your request together with your name, membership number and contact number in writing to the following address.

    Pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you shall have the right to:
    1. confirm whether your data is being held by us;
    2. access the data held by us within a reasonable period;
    3. access the data held by us in a reasonable manner;
    4. correct any incorrect personal data.

    Pursuant to the Ordinance, we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for accessing any personal data. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, or acquire a copy of the data held by us, please send your request and email us at privacy@milbeauty.com .